Ok, so the trip started out well, everyone was happy
to go, the weather was beautiful and we were off on an adventure. The
water taxi ride went very well, and riding on top was a lot of fun.
Oh, I told you I would tell you about the bandage on my leg. I got
another one of those bites on my leg that they had to cut open. Ugh.
This time they thought maybe it was a spider. I don't care what keeps
biting me, it needs to die! Ok, back to the trip. Everyone happy and
excited, great trip on the water taxi, then, as we are getting off the
boat in Belize City, I look at Rick and he doesn't have our back
pack!!! Grrrrrrr!!! He was in charge of the back pack. I don't care
what HE will tell you about that, I put him in charge of it and HE left
it on the end of the pier while we were waiting for the water taxi. We
had to wait at the water taxi office for almost two hours while we
waited for the next taxi from Caye Caulker to come and bring our back
pack. Grandma took advantage of the down time and grabbed a nap. So,
after we finally got our pack, we all bundled into a taxi to head to the
bus station. Count heads up there, there are SEVEN of us. Fun cab
ride. Let's talk about taxi cabs in Belize City for a minute. You can
tell the taxis from the regular cars by the license plates. Taxi plates
are green and start with a D. You can get a close up of them as they
run over you. I will never drive in Belize City, EVER. Nobody knows how
to drive, but they all know where the gas pedal and the horn are. Cab
drivers grow up to drive the buses but their skills don't get any
better. We get to the bus station right as our bus in pulling out, but
they slowed down enough to let us get on. If you ever decide to ride
the buses in Belize, here is some knowledge for you. The regular buses
run about every 30 minutes to pretty much anywhere you want to go.
They pick up and stop everywhere. Just tell the driver where you want
to get off and he will stop for you. There are bus stops about every 10
miles or so along the major highways. There are no printed schedules,
but that's ok, just go to the bus station, there will be a bus for you
along in a few minutes. Don't bother going to the boarded up ticket
booths either. Just get on your bus. At some point along the route, a
man will come and take your money. It is about .10 cents Belize per
mile, so from Belize City to Belmopan is $5 Belize. There are express
buses that stop less often and are less crowded, and it is only a dollar
or so more, so take the express if you can. Our trip started off well,
we caught the express from Belize City to Belmopan and it was a nice
ride. Sierra and Chandler fell asleep. When we got to Belmopan we had
salbutes for lunch, when you come to Belize if you see salbutes
(SAL-boo-tayz) on the menu, get them. It is a small corn fried thing
that is hollow in the middle, then they put a spoon of what ever meat
they have (fish is wonderful) with onions and peppers and cilantro and
lime juice... Trust me, you need to eat these! Rick and Grandpa headed
off to the embassy to vote while Grandma, me and the kids wandered
around the outdoor market by the bus station. We got done pretty
quickly and went back to the bus station to wait for Rick and Grandpa.
Ok, that part was pretty miserable. The bus station was crowded and
hot, and Grandma was not taking it too well. The kids were full of
energy and wanted to roam but I didn't feel comfortable letting them out
of my site. There are lots of valid reasons for that, not that bad
things usually happen in Belmopan, I would feel that way in any crowded
travel hub. So I yelled at the kids, got frustrated with Grandma, my
leg hurt and I was ready to get going. Finally Rick and Grandpa showed
up and people started lining up for our bus. Now, I have been on a few
buses in Belize, you really want to get on early. There is no such
thing as "capacity limit" on these buses. If you don't get a seat you
will stand the entire trip. So we qued up with only a few people in
front of us and stood in line for about 15 hot, cramped, painful
minutes. When the bus showed up and they opened the gate people just
shoved us out of the way so by the time we got on the bus there was
limited room. I got in a seat with an old woman, suitcase under my legs
and Chandler in my lap. I am sorry to say I don't know where everyone
else sat, it was too crowded for me to see them. There are no pictures
of this part of the trip, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. We
rode and rode and rode. I am not sure how long, but at least an hour
after I couldn't feel my legs. We finally to the Sittee River Junction
and got off. YEAH! Mr. Keith from River House Lodge was waiting there
for us with the van. We got to the lodge and put our bags in our
cabins and went to the main lodge for dinner. The kids immediately
wanted to swim in the indoor pool, but we made them wait until after we
ate. We all slept pretty good that night I must say. The stay itself
was very nice. The rooms were clean, the food was good and Mr. Keith
and Ms. Cara were wonderful. The pictures came out very nice. I don't
know that I will spend much time up there anymore though because of the
MOSQUITOES! And the ants. Let me quantify that please, I am severely
allergic to mosquitoes, and always have been. I know this, and was
covered in bug spray from my hair to my toes. Didn't seem to help. And
the ants. Let's talk about the ants. They are freaking HUGE! And
aggressive. I was walking down the driveway taking those pictures up
there, and felt knives being stabbed into my feet. I looked down and my
feet were covered in huge black ants. They weren't just biting my
feet, they were locked onto my flip flops and wouldn't let go. I am
afraid that I did something to embarrass woman kind at that point. I
kicked my ant infested shoes into the air and started stomping my bare
feet on the gravel (which hurt a lot) and ran screaming up the drive.
At that point I remembered that I would eventually need my shoes, so I
had to brave the gravel and the ants and go retrieve my shoes (and hope
like hell no one had seen me lose my mind a moment ago.) No one
mentioned my screaming, so I guess I got away with it. The kids really
did have a good time. They were the most well behaved I have seen them
in a long time. That is not to say they were perfect, they are kids
after all and I did have to threaten to kill them a few times. If you
are not a bug-o-phobe, the River House Lodge on the Sittee River in Cayo
District really is a nice place. Saturday morning we decided to head
home. While Grandpa took the kids fishing I packed up our bags and got
everyone ready to go. Chandler had a fit, see picture above, and cried
for about twenty minutes. Mr. Keith took us to the bus stop on the
highway and said that our bus should be along in a few minutes. We
thanked him and waved good bye. Three hours later (sitting in the hot
sun with occasional humid sprinkling and clouds of mosquitoes and other
biting flying things, bored kids and Grandparents) and no bus in sight,
we called Mr. Keith to come pick us up again. So we stayed Saturday
night too. Sunday we got up very early (but still missed the first bus,
it was pulling away as we pulled up) but this time Mr. Keith stayed
with us until the next bus came through. When we got to Dangriga we
could have got off of that bus and waited for an express to Belize City,
but the express wasn't running until late after noon and we had to make
sure that we were back in time to catch the last water taxi to Caye
Caulker so we went the round about way on a regular bus through Belmopan
again. We did make the water taxi and go home safe and sound. It was a
good adventure and learning experience. I was never so happy to be
back in Caye Caulker though. We are all still itching and scratching
from our trip, and I might remember it more fondly once I can stop
scratching the skin off of my legs. So that was our adventure to the
Sittee River, please leave comments, I just love hearing feed back from
the blog!
Grandma waiting for the water taxi from Caye Caulker to Belize City, ALL SMILES! |
Sierra waiting for the water taxi |
Rick and Trey waiting for the water taxi |
Rick and the kids waiting for the water taxi |
View to the north from the water taxi pier |
Grandpa waiting for the water taxi |
Me and the kids waiting for the water taxi (bandaged leg explained below!) |
Me and Chandler and Sierra waiting for the water taxi |
Love this pic of me and the kids waiting for the water taxi |
The kids and I and Grandpa rode on the top of the water taxi from Caye Caulker to Belize City |
The kids on top of the water taxi |
Crazy Chandler! |
Grandpa riding on top of the water taxi for the first time |
Me being a dork |
Grandma in the water taxi office (Rick's fault, will explain below) |
Grandma snoozing |
Chandler, Trey and Grandpa in the water taxi office |
Finally on the bus on the way to Belmopan, Sierra was getting tired |
Chandler was going nuts on the bus |
Grandpa looking Joe Kidd Cool on the bus |
Grandma feeling good on the bus |
Chandler crashes and burns on the bus |
Sierra was the next to go |
Sierra helped the staff prepare all of our meals and set the table at River House Lodge |
Sorry for the screen, but that is Chandler on the blow up raft in the indoor pool |
Chandler and Trey swimming, LOVE that pool! |
Me, Grandpa and Keith discussing world politics |
View from the main lodge to the river |
Me and Grandpa talking to Keith |
Sierra setting the table while Grandpa and I wait for breakfast |
Trey and Chandler fighting over the blow up raft |
View from the dock on the Sittee River |
View across the river, missed the darn crocodile though! |
View of the Sittee River |
Back of the main lodge |
Our cabins |
Rick and I and Grandpa were upstairs, Grandma and the kids were downstairs |
Main entrance to the main lodge |
The cabins across the drive way from us |
The cabins next to us |
Sierra riding a bike on the drive way |
Trey off roading with his bike |
The kids were fascinated with Monopoly on this trip, they actually played well together and were pretty quiet |
Did I mention I LOVED the quiet? |
Mr. Keith and Trey digging earth worms to go fishing |
Trey making Mr. Keith do all the work |
Chandler enters the fray |
They found some! |
Sierra went to give them directions on how to dig worms |
Sierra telling them they are doing it wrong |
Trey with his prize load of worms |
Grandpa and Sierra fishing off the dock, sorry, didn't catch anything |
Chandler bawling his little head off that we had to go home |
Grandpa and Sierra continue the fishing in vain |
The boys escape to play Monopoly |
Mmm I know Sittee River Christy, a little research should gave you a lot of Mosquito's, Sand flies and Ants warning.
ReplyDeleteJust jump in water at the beach, salt water cleans quickly.